Plugins inspections and reviews
To make sure that the sites we build and the plugins they rely on are secure we regularly carry out plugin reviews and publish our findings.
We undertake a significant quantity of assurance work, to ensure that the sites we build and the plugins they rely on are secure. We publish information about that work on this site.
To make sure that the sites we build and the plugins they rely on are secure we regularly carry out plugin reviews and publish our findings.
We share the results of the assurance work we undertake. We publish advisories about security vulnerabilities we identify with suggested steps you can take to mitigate them.
3.2.9 - Use with caution
2.6.11 - Use with caution
1.0.224 - Use with caution
4.8.2 - No issues found - Use with caution
Severity: Medium
Severity: High
Severity: Medium
Severity: Medium
Severity: High