Plugin inspections and reviews

WordPress Importer

Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file.

0.6.1 - No issues found

WP HTML Sitemap

Add a WordPress HTML sitemap that is fully customizable to improve your website SEO and enable easy navigation for your users.

1.2 - Potentially unsafe

BuddyPress Group Email Subscription

Allows group members to receive email notifications for group activity and forum posts instantly or as daily digest or weekly summary.

3.4 - No issues found


A simple widget that shows your recent tweets with fully customizable HTML output and Twitter API 1.1 support.

3.1 - Potentially unsafe

Citizen Space

A plugin to talk to Citizen Space via its API.

1.1 - No issues found

ThreeWP Broadcast

Network plugin for PHP v5.4 to broadcast posts to other blogs. Custom post types, custom taxonomies, post meta and attachments are supported.

1.20 - Use with caution

Advanced Custom Fields: Options Page

The “options page” addon creates a new menu item called “Options” which can hold advanced custom field groups (just like any other edit page). You can also register multiple options pages (view tutorial).

1.0.1 - No issues found

Fast Secure Contact Form

A super customizable contact form that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with. - No issues found


Keep website users and MailChimp mailing lists in sync and create campaigns from posts.

2.11 - Use with caution