Plugin inspection:

Multisite Post Duplicator

Potentially unsafe

Last revised:

Confidence: Medium
This plugin has been given a short, targeted code review.

Before using this plugin, you should very carefully consider its potential problems and should conduct a thorough assessment. Read more about this recommendation.


The version of this plugin that this recommendation was based on is known to be vulnerable to attack:

This recommendation applies to version of this plugin, but the most recent version is 1.7.6. These findings may no longer be correct.


  • HTML and JS output is mostly unescaped.
  • unserialize() is used on content taken from the database.
  • Does not use nonces and is vulnerable to CSRF

Reason for the 'Potentially unsafe' result

The plugin contains or is likely to contain a vulnerability which could be exploited by an end user and which would compromise the site’s confidentiality, integrity or availability:

With the lack of escaping it’s fairly likely that a reflected XSS vulnerability exists. Also vulnerable to CSRF with can lead to stored XSS.

Failure criteria

  • Lack of proper output escaping

Read more about our failure criteria.